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Pak’n Save Kapiti Ulti-Roll Door

Pak’nSave Kapiti were experiencing issues with wind blowing through their shop and storeroom when the door between the two areas was open, which was causing major issues with their chillers using a lot more energy with the warm wind blowing past them.

So Ulti Group suggested they install an Ulti-Roll Door, which due to its high speed and reliability is the perfect solution to keep the entrance running productively, whilst ensuring that the doorway stays closed for the maximum time possible to reduce wind nuisance.

Instead of installing just an Ulti-Roll, Pak’nSave Kapiti opted for our custom printed Ulti-Roll, and requested their logo and a slogan to be printed on the door, which as you can see in the photo was a great success!

Their customers seeing an Ulti-Roll Door in action was impressive enough – let alone one with their advertising and company colours incorporated on it!

Testimonial from Store Services Manager Sam Wilkinson: 

“At the suggestion of Ulti Group we at Kapiti Pak’n Save took up the idea of placing the Ulti-Roll Door at the access way of the retail to the warehouse. This had always been a bit of a wind tunnel and a very busy doorway so we called in the Ulti Group Representative to come up with the best solution.

The result was very acceptable. We have not given credit to the improved efficiency of the air-conditioning to the whole shop and the vertical and horizontal open refrigeration displays. This is of course difficult to measure but the improved comfort and the respite of the direct breeze speaks for itself.

Also we have been very pleased with the way the door copes with the busy traffic flow going through so constantly.

The knockout feature is great meaning no maintenance call outs on this door.

However the wow factor of this was the advertising space on this door. We have used the stickman on it to further promote our brand. This has turned the access way into a very useful and aesthetically pleasing billboard.”

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