If you are looking for a way to keep your cold storage applications at optimal temperature and reduce energy loss, you might be wondering which type of door is best for your needs. This is the ultimate guide to cold-storage doors where we will compare the common options: PVC strip curtains, manual slab doors, high-speed doors and air curtains, and air doors. It is easy to get wrong, but we will explain what you need to consider before making a decision, to give you the confidence you are looking for. Don’t forget you can reach out for a free chat at any time if you have any questions.
Right, here are some of the common options you need to consider:
PVC Strip Curtain
A PVC strip curtain is a simple and cheap solution that consists of overlapping strips of plastic that hang from a rail. It creates a basic barrier between two areas, reducing some thermal loss and helps to prevent dust and insects from entering.
However, you need to consider that:
- It compromises hygiene because products carried on forklifts come into contact with the strips, which could then leave behind microorganisms on the products subsequently brought through the curtain .
- It slows down traffic because forklifts need to navigate the passage carefully and slowly, and the driver’s visibility is limited during the passage. This can create dangerous situations, for instance for employees working behind the door.
- With time and use, the strips become warped and cloudy. They also get damaged by collisions with vehicles or workers who may cut them short or push them aside. This limits visibility and allows cold air to leak away, and increases maintenance costs due to requiring replacement strips.
- It doesn’t provide adequate insulation because there are gaps between the strips where air can flow through.
A PVC strip curtain is never a cost-effective option for cold storage applications long-term. The extra energy cost due to thermal loss is significant. However, when used in conjunction with a rapid door, such as the Ulti Frigo 2, they can help decrease thermal loss when the rapid door is open.
Manual Slab Doors
Manual slab doors are solid doors that open and close manually by pushing or pulling them. They are more durable and hygienic than PVC strip curtains, as they do not allow any contact between products and the door surface. They also provide better insulation and prevent cold air from escaping when closed.
However, they can slow down the workflow and increase energy consumption. Here are some things to consider:
- It wastes time and lowers productivity because it requires manual operation by workers who have to stop their vehicles and get off to open and close it.
- They require more space to operate than other options, as they need room to swing open or slide sideways.
- It wastes energy because it exposes the cold storage area to outside air every time it is opened, and because it is manual, workers normally choose to leave it open for extended periods of time.
- It causes ice formation on the floor because the moisture from outside air condenses and freezes when entering the cold storage area. This makes the floor slippery and leads to energy loss.
- It increases safety risks because workers have to cross between moving vehicles when operating it, and as time passes, they get harder and harder to open and close, increasing the strain on workers.
- Lowers staff comfort and morale, because everyone knows there are better options out there.
A manual slab door is only a practical solution if it is used very rarely. It is suitable for large openings with very low traffic volume, and in businesses where energy conservation and productivity are not priorities.
High Speed Doors
A high speed door, such as the Ulti Frigo 2, is an automated door that opens and closes quickly using sensors or remote controls. It reduces heat loss and improves traffic flow and productivity compared to a manual slab door, minimising the exposure time of the cold storage area to the outside air. They also improve safety and productivity by allowing fast and smooth movement of forklifts.
While it is often the perfect solution, there are some things to consider:
- Depending on the high speed door selected, it may not provide as much insulation when closed when compared to a thick solid core slab door
- It requires more investment than a manual slab door because it involves more complex technology and installation costs.
- Depending on the high speed door it may require more maintenance than a manual slab door because it has more moving parts that can break down or malfunction.
- Like all machinery, given their high use and more technical componentry, they are not immune to malfunctioning or breaking down due to power outages or mechanical failures.
A high speed door is a great solution for most cold storage door applications. It provides a good blend of energy efficiency and productivity, in medium to high use doorways.
High Speed Door + Air Curtain
A combination of a high-speed door and an air curtain, such as the Ulti Frigo 2 Air, is an option that combines the benefits of both devices while minimizing their drawbacks. A high speed door provides a physical seal when closed, while an air curtain provides an invisible seal when opened. This way, the cold storage area is always protected from heat loss, humidity, and contamination, regardless of whether the door is open or closed. This option is ideal for applications that require frequent access to the cold storage area, while offering higher levels of convenience, efficiency, and safety than a single high speed door can provide on its own.
There are some things to consider:
- This is best suited to applications where the doorway is in frequent use, and the high speed door is often left open for long periods of time.
- It provides a barrier whether open or closed, virtually eliminating thermal losses and the potential of ice build-up, enhancing the sustainability of the operations, saving on energy and increasing the safety of the plant.
- Due to its complex configuration, and innovative design this configuration does require a larger investment up front, but given the extra energy savings it provides over the long term, it pays itself off in just a few years.
- This is one of the most cutting-edge designs currently available in the cold storage door market, and is exclusive to Ulti Group.
A combination of high speed door with integrated air curtain is the perfect solution for cold storage doors that are in constant use, and where businesses prioritise energy efficiency and place importance on meeting their sustainability goals. It provides the perfect blend of energy efficiency and productivity, in high use doorways.
Air Doors
An air door system, such as the Ulti Air Door, are an innovative solution that creates an invisible barrier of high-speed air across an opening. It prevents thermal loss and maintains hygiene by blocking outside air from entering while allowing vehicles and workers to pass through without obstruction. They are more innovative and effective than other options, as they prevent heat transfer and moisture accumulation without affecting visibility or accessibility. They also save energy by reducing refrigeration costs and eliminating ice formation on the floor or walls.
Here are some things to consider:
- The high-speed air stream creates enough pressure difference between inside
and outside zones to prevent mixing of air, providing optimal sealing even when the door is in use. - It prevents ice formation on the floor because it uses dry air that has been dehumidified before being blown out. This lowers the dew point of the air, making ice almost impossible to form.
- It saves time and energy because it operates continuously without needing to open or close. Vehicles can pass through at normal speed without stopping, accelerating or braking.
- It improves safety and visibility because there are no physical barriers that can obstruct vision or cause collisions. Workers can see clearly what is happening on both sides of the opening.
Air doors are the ultimate option for cold storage applications in high use doorways that need unobstructed access. They offer superior performance, efficiency, hygiene and safety compared to other options, and they pay for themselves with their energy savings.
As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for cold storage applications. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on factors such as frequency of use, space availability, budget constraints, hygiene standards, and energy consumption goals. You need to consider these points carefully before choosing what kind of door or curtain is best for their needs, and that’s where our team of experts can help.
Why don’t you reach out for a free consultation to see what will be best in your unique application, to ensure you can meet your sustainability goals?