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Fighting Food Waste & Hunger With Kiwi Harvest


Food waste is a huge problem in New Zealand and around the world. According to the Ministry for the Environment, New Zealanders throw away about 157,389 tonnes of food every year, which is enough to feed the population of Dunedin for nearly three years! Meanwhile, many people struggle to access enough nutritious food for themselves and their families.

That’s why here at Ulti Group, we decided to partner with Kiwi Harvest, a national food rescue organisation that collects surplus food from supermarkets, wholesalers, farmers, and other sources, and distributes it to over 250 charities and community groups across the country. Kiwi Harvest has recently celebrated their 11th birthday, and the incredible milestone of collecting 10 million kilograms of rescued food – that’s equivalent to over 28.5 million meals!

To show our support, Ulti Group donated an Ulti EX5 high speed door to Kiwi Harvest’s largest branch in Highbrook, Auckland. The Ulti EX5 door is designed to seal the warehouse from air leakage, pests, and birds, and to allow fast and safe movement of forklifts and staff. It also has large vision panels that let in natural light and create a pleasant working environment. We will also be providing regular maintenance, free of charge, to ensure their operations are never impeded.

The door helps Kiwi Harvest maintain the quality and safety of the food they rescue, and reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint. It also frees up resources that can be used to deliver more food to the people who need it most. As Angela Calver, the CEO of Kiwi Harvest, says: “It’s upwards of $30,000 for a rapid door. $30,000 means that we can deliver an additional 90,000 meals to the communities that we serve.”

Ulti Group is proud to support Kiwi Harvest’s mission of reducing food waste and feeding hungry Kiwis. We’re about protecting what matters, and we are very proud to partner with Kiwi Harvest. to help them continue rescuing food, providing to people in need and removing wastage from our society. We believe that by prioritising CSR in our business strategy, we can help create a more sustainable and prosperous future for all, and we invite you to join us in our mission to protect what matters most.

Thank you for choosing Ulti Group as your trusted partner!


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