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How Healthy Are Your Doors?

Being able to identify an ‘unhealthy’ door is a big part of keeping your operations moving. The last thing you want is to be caught unaware with a damaged or malfunctioning door that results in costly emergency repairs. Understanding what to look for can save you time and money as you’ll be more aware of when a door may need repairs or replacing and can plan accordingly.

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Let’s take a look at the 5 things that can impact your doors operations and what to look for in each area to make sure things are healthy and running smoothly.

1: The Curtains and Seals

Be sure to take a close look at the curtain and surrounding vermin seal for any cracks, holes or tears. Make sure the curtain is hanging straight and not popping out from the retainers along the sides. If it’s a freezer door, the curtain should be heavy and stiff.

2: The Door’s Operation

Run the door up and down two to three times to check if it’s running smoothly. Keep an eye out for any sticky spots and make sure it always stops in the right place at both the top and the bottom. This is also a good time to listen for any unusual noises when it’s in operation.

3: The Tracks and Guides

Check along the tracks and guides and their covers for any sections that may be twisted or bent. Make sure they’re parallel and properly aligned with the floor and not impeding the door’s movements in any way.

4: The Motor and Head Unit

Take a look for any visible wear and tear and make sure the door is still firmly anchored to the wall. Check for any electrical smells or strange noises when the door is running or immediately after.

5: The Electrical Components

Examine the electrical connections and components for any sign of damage, making sure the control box is in good condition and all activations are working properly. It’s also a great time to test the emergency stop to make sure it’s functioning well.

Running through these 5 things regularly will keep you in the know about your doors’ health and make sure you’re aware of any issues that might come up before they’re a problem.
For a full door health audit or advice on your door options, get in touch with our experts.


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